A gift in memory of Candy Sanford
Candy Sanford, former Club President and a beloved member of Stonington Garden Club (SGC) since 2004, passed away on January 15th, 2025. Her dedication to the club was evident in her ongoing and tireless service, cheerful and willing participation, and boundless spirit and support of club activities.
As Club President from 2012-2014, her leadership style strengthed the club, fostering an enduring culture of member support, environmental stewardship, and community service. In 2014, Candy received GCA's prestigious Medal of Merit in recognition of her dedication, steady leadership, and cheerful willingness to accept responsibility for whatever was needed by the Stonington Garden Club. (This often included recruiting her husband, Tom, to cheerfully help and recruit his friends in support of SGC community projects. SGC's Governing Board elected Tom to Honorary Membership in 2017.)
Candy will be respectfully and fondly remembered for her passion and dedication to caring for Historic Stonington’s Lighthouse Museum Garden, a club project that gathered members together on early summer mornings to maintain the Museum garden and appreciate the sun rising over Little Narragansett Bay, located on the Rhode Island–Connecticut state line.
In addition to her role as President, Candy served SGC in numerous leadership positions including Membership Chair 2010-2012, and Club Historian/Archivist from 2014-2025. She represented SGC at GCA's Centennial Annual Meeting in 2013, and recently volunteered at GCA's 2024 Annual Meeting in Hartford, Connecticut.
She will be profoundly missed by all who had the privilege of knowing her.

You may also send your check payable to “Stonington Garden Club” to:
Stonington Garden Club
P.O. Box 385
Stonington, CT 06378
The Stonington Garden Club is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our EIN is 06-6080377
Your contribution supports the programs and projects that the Stonington Garden Club provides to the community. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation this year. Your generous gift of any size makes a difference. Thank you!
​​​​What does the Stonington Garden Club do that needs so much financial support?
The Children’s Learning Garden at the Stonington Community Center (COMO) is maintained by the Garden Club to support the COMO’s many educational programs.
Annual scholarships to Stonington High School are given to seniors interested in environmental studies.
The Lighthouse Garden Museum, the Borough Post Office flower beds, and Wayland’s Wharf rain garden were built and are maintained by our members.
Hundreds of holiday greens arrangements are created by the club for local care facilities.
Wreaths are made by members and donated to raise funds for the Stonington Historical Society’s Deck the Walls and to decorate the Stonington Free Library, the COMO, the Borough Post Office, the Lighthouse Museum, and the Captain Palmer House Museum.
Our Village Fair floral booth raises funds to benefit the COMO.
We provide grants to organizations involved in conservation and the environment.