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In 1997, the Stonington Garden Club (“SGC”), in partnership with the Stonington Community Center (“COMO”), created a community garden for children and teens (ages 5-15) to learn about nature through gardening. The various recreational structures throughout the enclosed garden and open space provide a safe and secure place to play. The COMO staff created the gardening curriculum, “Mother Nature”, . 

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In 1997, the Stonington Garden Club (“SGC”), in partnership with the Stonington Community Center (“COMO”), created a community garden for children and teens (ages 5-15) to learn about nature through gardening. The various recreational structures throughout the enclosed garden and open space provide a safe and secure place to play. The COMO staff created the gardening curriculum, “Mother Nature”, . 

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In 1997, the Stonington Garden Club (“SGC”), in partnership with the Stonington Community Center (“COMO”), created a community garden for children and teens (ages 5-15) to learn about nature through gardening. The various recreational structures throughout the enclosed garden and open space provide a safe and secure place to play. The COMO staff created the gardening curriculum, “Mother Nature”, . 

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In 1997, the Stonington Garden Club (“SGC”), in partnership with the Stonington Community Center (“COMO”), created a community garden for children and teens (ages 5-15) to learn about nature through gardening. The various recreational structures throughout the enclosed garden and open space provide a safe and secure place to play. The COMO staff created the gardening curriculum, “Mother Nature”, . 

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In 1997, the Stonington Garden Club (“SGC”), in partnership with the Stonington Community Center (“COMO”), created a community garden for children and teens (ages 5-15) to learn about nature through gardening. The various recreational structures throughout the enclosed garden and open space provide a safe and secure place to play. The COMO staff created the gardening curriculum, “Mother Nature”, . 

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Proud members of The Garden Club of America, Federated Garden Clubs of

Connecticut, Inc., National Garden Clubs, Inc., New England Garden Clubs, Inc.  

Copyright @ 2022  The Stonington Garden Club, Inc.

Stonington Garden Club   PO Box 385   Stonington, CT 06378

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